Need help from anyone who knows


New member
So I recently started taking matters into my own hands from waiting for someone to produce for me, to producing myself and I have certain songs that I want to know how they made a certain sound, how to make different patterns out of samples, etc. just need advice and basically a mentor whos willing to help me.. any help would be appreciated and ill get more in depth on what exactly once I get someone whos willing, FL Studio user here btw! Thank you!
Hi Jay..

Your request is so wide and generic.. without listening what you create and where you aiming/what you want to achieve in terms of "sound".. is difficult to give you an answer..
But I'll tell you: A LOT of times, personally, I love to get the sound I want in my head by using 2 rules:

1. Be cohesive.. If you find a solution on a sound that blends nicely with the others.. follow that flow and don't over do it .. ;) in the end we're making music and we should feel good about it
2. Try ALL your tools in the case.. EQuing, COMPRESSING, effecting a basic, sampled sound or a stacked one with the basic fx a daw can give you it's a cool way to understand the potential in those effect and getting nice soultions.. experiment a lot.. that's no learning with no mistakes. so start from the basic !
Yes, to build on what Hokuto said, “How do I make beats and get good?” is something we hear fairly frequently around here, but it is an entire subject with lots of sub-topics and information streams that takes most people years to master (5, 10, 20, 30 years; or, a long time). Not to discourage you in any way; just wanting make sure that you have realistic expectations. It will not come right away, and you shouldn’t be frustrated if it doesn’t. Just keep learning, experimenting, and as an example there are literally thousands of YouTube videos. Dig in.

That being said, you might find some help in the Software forum here (lots of FL users), or in other FL Studio user’s groups on the Internet. And if you have any specific questions, by all means ask us here at FP! That is why we are here. It’s hard to know what you don’t know, though, so take it slowly...


I am starting out also.

I am just starting with the basics.

There are so many videos online that the need for a mentor isn't necessary at this stage for me.