Difference between Tempo & BPM?

Tempo is a measure (an equivalent of fastness), while the unit of tempo is usually expressed in BPM (beats per minute).

e.g. the tempo is 130 BPM
=> we can compare this with the weight is 130 kg
=> weight and tempo are measures, like BPM and kg are units of measure
It was a terrible explanation...

Kilograms are a unit of mass! :bigeyes:

In all honesty, as soon as I read the subject line, I was preparing exactly the same explanation.
good thing i caught this thread...I was wondering myself how to calculate tempo in BPM when i have a loop with a known number of measures and a known time it takes to complete the loop.

anyone have a formula for this??
Im saying this off the top of my head, so hopefully double Maths A-level didnt let me down: lets say you have a 16 beat loop that lasts x seconds. 60/x multiplied by 16 would be your bpm (though, you might wanna double check that formula)
DannyGantastic said:
It was a terrible explanation...

Kilograms are a unit of mass! :bigeyes:

In all honesty, as soon as I read the subject line, I was preparing exactly the same explanation.
Thanks for the support. :rolleyes:
Finding BPM

Each time I am faced with the problem of not knowing the BPM of a record, I use this same formula and it works well =

Lets say you have a 16 beat loop (like Carnage said) and the length is (x) seconds (try to be a little precise here). Now take the length in seconds divided by how many beats in that loop (i.e. x/16) to give you the length in seconds for a single beat. Then divide 60 by the length in seconds for that single beat. This should give you the BPM.

x / 16 = y
60 / y = BPM

Hope that helps.
ACID 4.0

How does iBPM relate to beatmapping and looping in Acid 4.0?
I'm trying to master the art of looping and beatmapping in Acid 4.0.....Thanks
yep -- that's the formula -- but wouldn't it be easier to calculate it if it were restructured like this???

n (beats) 60 seconds
----------------- x ------------------
y (seconds) 1 min

where n is the number of beats, and y is the number of seconds -- that way -- the seconds cancel out and you're left with beats per min (BPM)

it just seems easier that way

*edit* you may have to quote to see the formula spaced correctly -- i can't get it to look right*
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Thank you for the info Carnage, i have a bunch of loops that last X amount of measures and X seconds that i know the tempo for so i'll check if that formula works.
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Whatever works, I was just giving my formula that has always worked for me.