Changing Octaves in FL Studio


New member
I was wondering what way everybody who uses FL studio would complete this situation...

Say for example I have a chord progression that plays in the verse of a song but I want to go up/down an octave in a song for the hook is it best to either clone the pattern and change it in the piano roll shift + up/down to the octave I want or is their another more efficient way?

It isn't just the chord progressions I have trouble with in this aspect, for example I also don't know the most efficient way of creating drum patterns for different parts of the song. Is the best way just to clone the pattern and edit to see fit or is their a better way of doing this without having to create so many patterns?
This is what I do....

I create a drum pattern, paste it on the playlist twice, one after the other. On the second one, got to the top left of the pattern, click and "make unique", it will automatically copy it to another pattern number, then edit it from there. Hope this helps.
In the channel setting window under the "INS" tab, on the keyboard at the bottom, right click a higher or lower octave and that will shift everything up or down, this is easier than moving all your notes up or down in the piano roll, but either will work really.


Edit: Nevermind, i see you wanted to keep one pattern on one octave and have another pattern play another octave, this will shift the whole instrument up or down. The way you are doing it is the easiest way, just clone the pattern.
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