FREE SAMPLE PACK - And me making a live beat with it. -F4F

Licensing info: There is no copyright for these files to my knowledge and I definitely won't come after anyone for anything. I would appreciate a shout out though or something. The sounds I use here are from my own talents, very old records, tapes, or really old songs from sites where royalty-free media is placed.

The video description on the video has all the info which you can find here:
Johnnie Cleveland | Best Free Sample Packs 2020 | Ep. 57 | JCMusic86 - YouTube
The DL is via Dropbox and files included are a zipped archive with:
A Maschine Two file
7 Drums Samples WAV
9 Melodic Samples WAV - BPM: 147
And a Text file with extra info.
If you have any trouble let me know!
Connect with me on social media for more free stuff:
ItsMyURLs: Johnnie Cleveland 's URLs