Making Mix Cd's


New member
I Want To Start Making Mix Cd'''s But Now Sure How To Approch It.......... What Do My Fp Fam Suggest That I Do?

Well Is Any1 Going To Help Me With This...........
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What do you mean by mix cd's? DJ mixes? mixtape type stuff?

If you mean DJ mixes you first need to decide if you want to go the traditional route using turntables a mixer etc. Or the PC route with software and controllers.
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i have software and controllers. i have a virtul dj and bpm. i see mile cd's on the streets and they have different songs on them. i can throw music on a cd and duplicate it over and over, but i want to do it the right way. i produce and i want to also add my artis track on the cds aswell. i dont want to jump into it with out the proper research and mess up the game. i want good feed back....... i want return customers........
i know this thread is a bit old but you should put down on paper what songs you want on your mix then bpm them all.see where they all lay out.listen to all of them and see where the best transitions are(Ex.4 beat loop after first chorus mixes well with intro of next song)just go down the line and you should have one put together in a good way.
what software is best for recording mix cds? free,share,or software? and what other equipment is needed to make a mix cd with a pc?

you need a line input... plug your line out to your line in... press record on your program of choice... start mixing...

soundforge, audacity, audition, cool edit pro... all software you can use.
1st, the original post is not clear as carnage said.... we can't help if we don't know exactly what it is you need help with. you are pretty much making a statement.... and your thread got "jacked"!....
I use Sound Forge 8 to record/edit it on PC and and then track it down in CD Architect.
Perfect for long continous mixes.

I've heard Ableton Live can do the same thing these 2 programs can do. You can check that out also.
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