Understanding Criticism and How To Use It For Your Benefit. : D


New member
Firstly, know the difference between criticism and constructive criticism.

This is the definition of criticism:​

Main Entry: crit•i•cism
Pronunciation: \ˈkri-tə-ˌsi-zəm\
Function: noun
Date: 1607
1 a : the act of criticizing usually unfavorably <seeking encouragement rather than criticism>
b : a critical observation or remark <an unfair criticism> c : critique
2 : the art of evaluating or analyzing works of art or literature; also : writings expressing such evaluation or analysis

Constructive criticism

Main Entry: constructive criticism
Part of Speech: n
Definition: Criticism or advice that is useful and intended to help or improve something, often with an offer of possible solutions

Learn to distinguish non-constructive criticism from the latter.

Non constructive Criticism: Yo dawg, your music is ass cream b!tch!

Constructive criticism: I feel your music lacks coherency. You should focus on building a clear and concise vision as to how you want the listener to feel when he/she listens to it. Many of the sounds you used clash, and the arrangement is not as organized as the listener would like to expect. I recommend studying the successful producer(s) you admire and learn how they arrange and compose.

You will likely receive mostly non-constructive criticism from your peers and family members. Your job is to rephrase it, re-interpret it, and analyze it to change it to something that will benefit yourself.

Know that criticism can be poison to many Artists and producers alike, it is even capable of destroying careers. There is one example I can recall – An amazing young singer was on her way to signing a major deal (on an independent label mind you) – however somebody within this label gave her some harsh criticism. She took the criticism to heart, called the whole thing off and quit for good shortly after. Thick skin is essential in any endeavor you plan on pursuing.

Follow these simple rules:

1 Don't ignore the criticism.

2 Don't get defensive, angry or rude.

3 Stop wasting time and making excuses - Refrain from creating scapegoats.

4 Recognize the source the criticism is coming from.

5 Don't dwell on the error.

6 Learn from it.​



Don't ignore the criticism.

Ignoring criticism will hinder your ability to improve, distort your objectivity, and will cause a wide array of problems in your future, especially if similar criticism is coming from multiple sources. Most of the time, when it hurts, it is most important; listen to any suggestion or recommendation from people you look up to.


Don't get defensive, angry or rude.

Put your ego aside and refrain from paying attention to the “tone “of the criticism was spoken, analyze the actual content. Don't be defensive. Don’t shoot down or insult the person who made you feel uncomfortable.

This is the road to an endless cycle of denial and retreat –push your emotion to the side and always remain rational.

The best thing to do after receiving harsh or brash criticism is to ask that person for specifics (“In what way exactly are my drums are wack?”) You will more often than not get a better and more comprehensive critique - and you will also find that your initial emotional reaction will evaporate.


Stop wasting time and making excuses - Refrain from creating scapegoats.

Many times people, in order to avoid embarrassment and the daunting task of actual self-improvement, will make up excuses or create a scapegoat –

“Well I just don't have enough time in the day to improve".

“I don’t have the same equipment XXXX producer is using”

"I know I'm hot dawg, I don't give a f uck what you think!"

"I like fishsticks!"

Time spent on making excuses is time wasted; you could be spending that time on the ever-so-important process of self-improvement and self-evaluation.

People who are good at making excuses are rarely good at anything else.


Recognize the source the criticism is coming from.

Know that everybody has their own personal biases, agendas, and prejudices.
Asking an underground hip hop fanatic might exaggerate his criticism on your new “Lady Gaga esque” dance track.
It is important to determine the source. Was the criticism uttered by a rival producer? An A&R who had a long day? An unconditionally loving family member?

That is not to say that simply because the source is unreliable the criticism is therefore rendered null – but know that it is on you to take the nuggets of truth from the source and make it beneficial.


Don't dwell on the error.

Constructive criticism can only affect you negatively if you continue to beat yourself up. Instead, focus on your successes. Develop a thick skin and be prepared to deal with criticism no matter who it comes from, whether it is justified or not.

Be objective, take action and let it go. And always give people less reason to criticize in the first place by going above and beyond.


Learn from it.

Make sure you are ahead of the game and be your harshest critic. Even if you reach a point where you are praised more often than you are criticized (hopefully by objective people, not your mom lol) you need to learn to practice self-evaluation consistently in order to improve specific aspects of your production – whether it be arrangement, build-ups, musical coherency, overall sonic quality, etc.

Criticism is not only the most powerful tool at your disposal; it can make or break you. So learn to use it in your favor and don’t take things too personally. Separate yourself from your work just enough so that you are still able to objectively assess what level you are at and where you need to be.

A few key points to remember:


Do listen objectively

Do ask for specifics

Do get a second opinion and do your own research (if you think the first source is unreliable)

Do take corrective action

Do take it like a man

Do learn from it and help it benefit you

How not to handle criticism and how criticism from unreliable sources perpetuates mediocrity (trust me its MUCH MUCH more common than you think)


: D
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I don't think you should have to give a thesis on something that is pretty much second nature to people...

I know when somebody is trying to help me and when they are just trying to be a dick.
lol, I guess your whopping 300 more posts of buried secrets of the music industry reduce my status to that of a "troll"

I cant wait to read more of your posts Captain Obvious
Is acting like a faggot animal part of your daily routine Dee?

if you are going to tell jokes or or make attempts at comedic rhetorical questions, at least see to it that they are funny.

Look, I didn't mean for this to turn into a pissing contest... I am not trying to hijack your thread by any means...

Sorry you took offense to the chit.
I don't think you should have to give a thesis on something that is pretty much second nature to people...

I know when somebody is trying to help me and when they are just trying to be a dick.

For real dude, this is the dumbest f*cking topic in FP history. And that's coming from someone that does a lot of dumb f*cking sh*t on FP. (Me)

You should be ashamed of yourself and I think your mom should return her uterus to the dealership she bought it from because its obviously malfunctioning...:mad:

Really though, some people don't know or have never been taught how to formulate their thoughts in a manner that acknowledges good while pointing out the bad. They are straight to the point: that beat sucks.

Also, some people don't really care about helping others, they just want to feel superior: ahaha my beats sh*t on yours, you f*cking suck!!

It's just the world we live in...I like to say:

"It is easy to find flaws in something when you are looking for flaws. Likewise, it is easy to find good in something if you are looking for good."
Sorry Dee, I am just irritated by those who persist on acting as if they were given their brains by mistake.

Tell jokes? lol?

Ok - if you were given an enema you could fit inside a shoebox.

Have a good night, animal. (^_^)
Sorry Dee, I am just irritated by those who persist on acting as if they were given their brains by mistake.

Tell jokes? lol?

Ok - if you were given an enema you could fit inside a shoebox.

Have a good night, animal. (^_^)

ahahahaha TOUCHE
Irony, I love it, I love it, I love it.

Those who have a good sense of humor will notice. (^_^)

Sadly, I'm beginning to realize that the collective IQ of FP would barely add up to 100 at best...
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You gotta learn how to take criticism of your threads Omega....lol...you had some good points I think this would be more appropriate in the getting started forum or somewhere like that.
At the end of the day, people don't know ****. When it comes to criticsim I take other peoples opinion with a grain of salt. Just do you.
I think people give other people too much power over there life. Dot is right, take it with a grain of salt. F*ck what the next man thinks. Even if Timbaland said you wack, bounce it off and get back to work. Too much thinking is overkill. It's cool to be introspective but this is borderline depressive Omega.
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This thread is idiotic. I've had forum haters tell me my **** is horrible, yet I work with some of the top artists in the underground.

It's the internet. If you take what people say here seriously, you're wearing clown shoes.
damn good post Omega. :)

i'll read it later when i have time
This thread is coming from a guy who tries to block me after I give him constructive criticism on how to research religion before criticizing it, then makes personal insults despite the fact I never once called him any names or made ad-hom attacks.

You certainly talk the talk...
Imo...There's nothing THAT wrong to this thread...Yes it's a bit obvious...But still spare your harsh comments cuz....He's probably just a guy trynna help strangers.....It's a thread meant to help n ya'll start sayin ish...A lot of newbs might like this n get a lot out of this....Plus it's good for all of us too remind ourselves of these facts as well,now n then..But yeah to the Op....Some points are a bit too kindergarden..Imo....But Anyways Good lookin out.