The Dark Symbolism in Today's Hip-Hop/R&B.

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I realize that the topics I'm addressing in this thread aren't entirely new to FP. We've seen a lot of poorly glued-together attempts "to expose the evil Illuminati" here and we've had no shortage of threads trying to prove Jay-Z's, and his affiliations (Rihanna, Kanye, Beyonce, etc.), connections to Freemasonry and occult teachings. These ideas aren't new to you, but I believe the contents of this thread will present some of these ideas to you in a more logical and tangible way, making things easier to swallow for those who cry "conspiracy theorist bs" whenever someone puts "mason" and "music industry" in the same sentence. I ask that the moderators please do not move this topic to the off-topic section and dismiss it as "just another illuminati thread" because the subjects I want to touch on are very relevant to how we're affected as producers.

The artists in question here aren't just Jay, Rihanna, or Kanye though, but let me make it clear that I've been fans of all three of them since they first came up in the game. I have all of Jay and Kanye's albums, minus 808's & Heartbreak. But I think a lot of people are starting to realize there's more to their videos, lyrics, and image than meets the eye. Let me back up though, by acknowledging the fact that every media outlet (movies, video games, magazines, news, music, etc.) contains Masonic symbolism and imagery, the architecture of Washington DC being among the most obvious ( if you don't believe me). This isn't a theory, this nation proudly admits that its founders were Freemasons. We all know George Washington was a Freemason.

But anyone willing to lift a finger to research this group would know that it is rooted in dark, occult teachings. Ignorance is very predictable and I'm sure many of you want to say, "this is where I stopped reading." I'm sure some of you have a grandparent who is an honorary Mason and teaches you about how they go to church every weekend and give out turkeys on Thanksgiving. And they very well may be well-meaning people, simply because they are the low-level intitiates of the society, the grunts. They probably haven't reached the degree where they are asked to drink wine out of a human skull.

"Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled; to conceal the Truth, which it calls Light, from them, and to draw them away from it."
(Albert Pike, "Morals and Dogma," page 104)

^For those who don't know who Albert Pike is, there is a statue of him in DC's Judiciary Square and he's one of the most influential and revered Freemasons. Basically I'm quoting him to express that unless your Mason grandpa is in the upper echelons of this group, his opinion on the intentions of the Freemason leaders is no more relevant than mine. Many Masons openly express that they idolize Lucifer even as they're walking out of church, defending it by saying their interpretation of Lucifer is different than the Bible's, and that his nature was not evil or Satanic at all. Don't take my word for it though: .

I want to make it clear though that the intention of this thread is NOT to convert anyone into any faith or religion. The point isn't to convince anyone that Satan or God is real. Even if you don't believe in Satan, can we agree that the idea of someone worshipping, for example, the ghost of Jeffrey Dahmer, is very disturbing? Even though his ghost isn't actually haunting anyone or present on the planet at all, it's still a disturbing thought. Satan may or may not be a cartoon character to you, but he is REAL to the members of the world's most powerful secret societies (is it that hard to believe that the wealthiest people on Earth are involved in shady activities?), and they believe that by weaving their occult symbolism into the media, that they have some form of control over the people. I'm not one of those people who throw phrases around like "you people are all brainwashed sheep," but that's what these people believe you can be turned into with the use of subliminal imagery.

If you don't believe that the Freemason leaders have Satanic/Luciferian practices, let me drop the A-bomb all over this thread - Aleister Crowley, one of the music industry's greatest influences.

Crowley is one of the most famous devout Satanists, proudly referring to himself as "the wickedest man in the world" and "The Beast 666." If you aren't already aware of his overwhelming presence in the music industry, let me remind of a few things like Jimmy Page's, guitarist from Led Zeppelin, obsession with him.

"I feel Aleister Crowley is a misunderstood genius of the 20th century. Because his whole thing was liberation of the person, of the entity, and that restrictions would foul you up, lead to frustration which leads to violence, crime, mental breakdown, depending on what sort of makeup you have underneath. The further this age we're in now gets into technology and alienation, a lot of the points he's made seem to manifest themselves all down the line." -Jimmy Page

In 1971, Jimmy Page bought Crowley's Boleskine House on the shore of Loch Ness where Crowley practiced his hellish, satanic sex-magick rituals, including human sacrifices. Guitarist Jimmy Page actually performed Crowley magical rituals during their concerts. Their song "Stairway to Heaven" carries the reference "May Queen," which is purportedly the name of a hideous poem written by Crowley. Page had inscribed in the vinyl of their album Led Zeppelin III, Crowley's famous "Do what thou wilt." The Beatles even featured Crowley's face into their "Sgt. Pepper" album cover and referred to him in their lyrics. So did Ozzy Osbourne (I'm sure you could've guessed that one).

Aleister Crowley was also a 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Freemason and 97th Degree Memphis Rite Freemason and is recognized as the master Satanist of the 20th century. Why would a "wholesome, Christian, philanthropist" group like the Freemasons allow someone into the highest possible rank of their society who murdered and molested children?

Back to the core subject of this topic though - Hip-Hop/R&B. Surely Satan's influence (even a fictional character can influence people, if you don't believe in him) hasn't infiltrated my beloved hip-hop? That Satanic ish is just for those crazy death metal heads, right? That's just some crazy "white boy sh*t" and Hova's strictly about hustling and hood sh*t?

Where else have we seen this phrase that he's proudly and boldly rocking?

Think to yourself, don't let me influence you: Can you honestly tell yourself that it's a "coincedence" that Jay is wearing the slogan of a Satanic child molester? If you have two eyes, or even one, you will likely agree with me when I say that this is no accident. Do I think Jay-Z sacrifices children backstage after rocking Madison Square Garden? No, I don't. But let's just say that one of his crazy friends asked him to wear the shirt and he didn't know what was up. Explain to me then how the rest of this occult symbolism landed on his clothing line, which he has openly expressed that he is actively involved with designing.



^The Eye of Horus, which occultists worship, and happens to be on the back of the dollar bill atop the illuminated pyramid.


"Masters of the Craft" is a 100% Masonic saying and the All-Seeing Eye of the Great Architect depicted here is directly taken from Masonic works. Notice also the secret handshake depicted in a circle.


Kanye, one of my favorite producers, wearing a t-shirt with the occult deity Baphomet on it. Baphomet is often used to represent Satan.


Lately it's become really fashionable for pop stars to make reference to Baphomet. Don't believe me? Look at the picture above, then look at this one directly below.


There's so much that's WRONG with this image (of Lady Gaga). It's amazing how many subliminal messages one still images can have. Not only are her hand/arm positions obviously paying tribute to Baphomet, but she's displaying the ever-popular "Eye of Horus" one-eye imagery as well, not to mention sending the message that being a mindless mannequin is a fashion statement.

Speaking of mindless mannequin imagery, let's check out Rih-Rih's website.

What do these images have ANYTHING to do with Rihanna's music? A bunch of mannequins surrounded by barb wires…I don’t think there’s clearer way to portray mind controlled slaves. The themes of dehumanization, control, pain, torture and restriction are all represented. The cover of the single of Russian Roulette depicts Rihanna as one of those mannequins. Her eye patch reveals who is controlling her.


What you are seeing here is a still image taken from Rihanna's Umbrella video. Wait a minute, how did the video go from Rihanna dancing under a cool display of sparks falling down alongside her backup dancers, to this strange image? You may have immediately noticed that something strange is going on in this frame. Why would Rihanna suddenly think, "hey guys, you know what we really need to add to this video about a love song? A giant silver triangle! And then I'll coat my entire self in silver paint and do some bizarre back-breaking poses. THAT's what this video needs." I'm well aware that Rihanna didn't direct this video or even write the song. She's just a pawn that the conglomerates who OWN her image are using to spread their agenda. If you haven't already noticed, the image clearly depicts the Baphomet AND is flashed on the screen for only a split-second. NOT ONLY THAT, but her pose right there is anatomically impossible, her neck would have to be about 11 inches long to reach that low and the visibility of both her back and chest muscles corroborate this fact.






Ask yourself what's going on here. Are these artists all just biting each other's style?



As I mentioned before, it's not just the music industry. You can even find Masonic symbolism in the new blockbuster video game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, a game I love dearly and consider to be the greatest online shooter ever. They wouldn't bother putting their images in sh*tty games, because no one would play them, and it would be a waste of energy. Before the game's release, it was expected to shatter gaming sales records. Don't you think that would catch the attention of many powerful businessmen, who we can agree are not the most trustworthy bunch, Satanic or not? Maybe it was just a coincedence that some of the prestige icons (which represent the ranks that are ABOVE the highest rank you can gain in the military) are blatant Masonic logos ( or that the SitRep perk icon, which allows you to detect enemy explosives, and avoid harm through the power of illumination, is the illuminated Eye of Horus pyramid. Not to mention the EMBLEM that gamers can unlock and wear, which is of the same icon.

I could go on for days here, I won't even get into Tupac rapping directly about the Illuminati and resisting their temptation, followed by his unsolved murder in front of several people on the Vegas strip. I won't even get into Michael Jackson's role in the Masonic agenda and how his unsolved death is directly related to that, or how his accused killer is shown in pictures decked out in Masonic gear. Or how Jay-Z's label is named after a well-known Freemason. But listen, I'm NOT SAYING that we should all boycott Roc-a-fella, it's affiliates, or ANY artists mentioned in this thread. I'm NOT saying that if you listen to mainstream music, you will inevitably begin to worship Satan. And I'm definitely not saying you shouldn't hit me up on Xbox Live so we can pop some heads on COD: MW2.

No, I don't believe that Barack is the anti-christ or that the first moon landing was filmed in some basement. No, I don't think that Area 51 contains aliens or UFO aircraft and I don't think that my phone is constantly under government surveillance. No I didn't get any of my ideas in this thread from Dan Brown's novels of misinformation, or Hollywood's great lie "National Treasure." But surely someone will come into this thread calling me a "tin foil hat" or something because of the EVIDENCE that I've presented here. Am I asking any of you to delete all mainstream music from your hard drives and start a revolution against the New World Order? NO... I'm simply asking that you all become more aware of the symbolism that your brain is downloading whenever you watch or listen to something media-related.

One might say, if these secret societies are so secret then why would they put all these symbols everywhere and reveal themselves? When you're subliminally exposed to something, you become more accustomed to it, it's why advertising and marketing works. And they believe that making the public accustomed to Satanic symbolism will desensitize them to the point that they accept it as something normal and cool. Whether or not this actually works, I believe, depends on the intelligence, will, and genetics of the individual. I've been watching TV and listening to mainstream music my whole life and I can still spot this bullsh*t when I see it.

No I don't believe some rich record executives told Rihanna "Oh by the way, we're all Illuminati members, and we want you to put this occult imagery in your video in an effort to desensitize and brainwash the public. You're down right?" These people aren't stupid either. They hire their own programmers, engineers, and directors who are aware of the agenda and Rihanna may not even know WTF is going on.

To close out the thread, I'll leave you with some other people's opinion on this subject, people who are in fact signed to major labels and have spoken out publicly about this - Tiffany Evans and Omarion.


“Russian Roulette= Suicidal Rate gon sky rocket!

You gotta watch what u say. Because there are a lot of weak people in the world. They are susceptible to anything so anything you say or do some people actually do listen. So make sure its nothing bad. Its okay to be deep, but not murder deep.
Man! I really wish I could tell you guys what the industry really is and what stars are apart of destroying this world. The stars who worship satan,and those who have killed to get the respect they have now. You’d be verrrry surprised. Some of your favorite people pretend to worship God but they only do that to save face. Or seem innocent.

Satan was head of music in heaven. He uses influential people…to help influence the world. Think about that. Once u make a certain amount of money. Just know that that’s when they ask u to join. To get in you have accept the beast, worship. Once you join they assist u with ur career.make u huge.only if u agree and obey to destroy Gods word.and his children.
Ppl listen and pay attention. Its a war going on right now between Good and Evil. Evil will rule this world for a min. The people that have this power are the people that RULE the whole world. I’m done I won’t say anymore before I get in trouble.”
- Tiffany Evans

Of course I'm predicting all most of you will have to say about her comments will be money or success related, just as you've been programmed to think. "Man she needs to worry about getting her own damn self on the billboard charts before talking about someone as successful as Rihanna!" :rolleyes:


“I don’t personally know Rihanna’s beliefs but I think there’s a very dark and very sinister part of the entertainment business and I think it’s very visible,” he said. “This is something that a lot of people don’t look at [but for example] Michael Jackson used to be a Jehovah’s Witness and I remember hearing that he wanted to separate from the religion — and this was during the time that he was doing ‘Thriller’ [which ended up being] his biggest album.”

“Fast forward to now,” Omarion continued, “[and] it really made me think that there is a [time as an artist] where there’s going to be a choice. The [entertainment] world [dictates] that you have to be with three or four women, or do this in order to get that [and] I think it’s really interesting. With God and the industry, it’s really dark. The dark side is having to get in, there’s a certain submission you need to have. Just like a gang [initiation], so to speak. You might have to do something against your moral code. I’m not saying that it’s always this way, but when you’re someone that is young and you’re coming up in the industry and you really don’t have a grip on your morals it can be very dark. The game is just about over saturation.

“I don’t know if Rihanna [has fallen victim to those pressures]. I’ve never really heard her speak about it,” he said. “I hope that she doesn’t believe in that stuff and I don’t think that she does, but I don’t know. It’s not just been a Rihanna thing, [there's has been religious speculation] about a lot of artists.”
- Omarion.

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I'll ask the same question I always ask in every one of these threads.

So now you know. What are you going to DO about it? What exactly is the point of telling people "the truth"?
I want all threads like these to be stuck in one thread. On other sites, they have whole sub-forums for crap. They call it "The Wasteland" or "The Junk Pile" or "The Rubber Room" or something like that. We don't need a forum, just one big-ass thread.

We need a big sh!tpile thread.

EDIT: But don't twist it. It's not that I don't believe some of the stuff. It's that if someone wants to research it, they can do it elsewhere.
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I cannot belive you took the time to do this sh* have no fu*king life....go sit on a knife....smh at these "internet gossipes" Fu*king Lames...
All the other illuminati threads aint got **** on this one.

The eye of Amen Ra isn't evil.

Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep.
If I should die before I wake,
I pray the Lord my soul to take.

I want all threads like these to be stuck in one thread. On other sites, they have whole sub-forums for crap. They call it "The Wasteland" or "The Junk Pile" or "The Rubber Room" or something like that. We don't need a forum, just one big-ass thread.

We need a big sh!tpile thread.

EDIT: But don't twist it. It's not that I don't believe some of the stuff. It's that if someone wants to research it, they can do it elsewhere.

Notice how I came into the thread presenting QUOTES, VIDEOS, and PICTURES, but the people who are trying to de-value my message are just relying on petty insults. None of the other illuminati threads went as in-depth or gave you as much solid evidence as this one. I'm an open minded guy, why don't you explain to me how this thread is a "sh!tpile?" What's causing you to lump this thread with other threads of similar subjects? Simply because the word "Illuminati" was used?

I'll ask the same question I always ask in every one of these threads.

So now you know. What are you going to DO about it? What exactly is the point of telling people "the truth"?

If you read my whole post, I TOLD you what I expect people to do with this information - and that is to simply be more aware of the symbols and imagery that is present in all mainstream media. Nothing more than that. I'm not saying you need to get yourself an AK and arm yourself against the Illuminati hiding in your closet. Just be more aware. I didn't even say to stop listening to any of this music.
This is the only Illuminati thread I've actually read because of the well laid-out argument of the OP. Even if you disagree with what he points out, he did it in a respectful manner and didn't try to demean anybody that didn't see "The light"
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lol at the irony of quoting Jay.

Say goodbye to freedom.

SMH @ the youth of today

[video=youtube;<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>]video[/video]

This is exactly the under laying principle the O.P. was trying to make.
You don't know any better and accept what is given to you with out question!
SMH @ the youth of today

[video=youtube;<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>]video[/video]

This is exactly the under laying principle the O.P. was trying to make.
You don't know any better and accept what is given to you with out question!

Ahh I been EXPOSED.. I'll take the L.. In my defence I never liked Ice T.

So we should accept what he is giving to us without question?
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I actually agree w/ F00T, I read OPs post and for the first time I wasn't irritated by it, lol. Nothin I could outright disagree with, either.

Kudos for being respectful w/ it decaturpolice.
you are so intelligent

"Because there are a lot of weak people in the world. They are susceptible to anything so anything you say"

just like the people YOU are teaching

actually i mostly hear about this satanists and masonics running industry being put together on could be the ones sending subliminal messages. and by the way did you learn this out yourself or did you just get told about this?
I would like to start by saying I am a Christian. I made the choice to be baptized when I was a teenager, and I do believe Jesus was a cool guy. I appreciate the fact you took a more moderate roll with your thread in comparison to TheLight, TheWizard, etc. With that being said, I’m going to go off on some tangents here so feel free to respond or not as a lot of what I say may not be relevant or coherent.

1. Who is to say Satanism is not the path to enlightenment? Aside from what you have been taught in Church, there really isn’t much of a reason to take offense to someone practicing a different religion. If we are trying to make everyone “aware” of symbolism in hip hop, why aren’t there threads about Christian/Muslim/Jewish symbolism in hip hop? If you argue that illuminati/Satanism/other cults are preaching negative values and more mainstream religions are not, then anyone could rebut that saying that violent crime and drug trade glorified in hip hop corrupts and kills far more people than a particular faith.

2. Just because someone puts something on a shirt, it does not mean they believe it. Rick Ross is a prime example of adopting a popular trend and branding it. He was a C.O. and most likely never owned a kilo in his lifetime, but he still immersed himself in the imagery of the cocaine trade and made it his persona because that’s what was cool. Dark imagery is in right now, look at Raf Simons, Helmut Lang, Rick Owens, or Mason Martin Margiela. A majority of high fashion designers and even streetwear brands like Flying Coffin and Maiden Noir have adopted the darker industrial/goth ninja vibe to some degree.

I could definitely believe Jay-Z is aware of the imagery in his products, but I have a hard time believing it is part of a master plan. He is simply following a trend. That is all. Notice how when the economy was good, all-overprint and bright colors were the shit. Its common for consumers to purchase neutral and darker colors when the economy is bad.

I think we just need to accept it for what it is and not think so much about it. Instead, we should focus on the REAL enemy... Scientology
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