Tag Your Beats

Beats are never given away for free. You get something back whether it be money or exposure. The problem is many people offer "exposure" without having access to any. The trick is to ensure that you get enough total value back. I'd give a free beat to Chris Brown cos a no1 with him would set me up for life and the royalties alone would be valuable. I did a free beat for Florence and the Machine before she was famous and that was a good business decision for me as I made tons of money from the exposure when she blew up. Money is not the only payback. Social capital and exposure has value. Also worth remembering that if you are starting our beats are worth ****all languishing on your computer. The trick is to make sure you aren't being conned. If you do it for free make sure you value the non monetary return and ask yourself why you are doing it.

If you want to hear my latest beats then https://soundcloud.com/dkwmusic

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