Legal Image Usage for Album Artwork?


New member
Greetings y'all,

Recently I have found a way to distribute my music to popular streaming sites like Apple Music and Spotify. However, because of the mass distribution and me getting paid royalties for all streams, I need to find a way to use images for album artwork LEGALLY. I have considered Adobe Stock, however, they have a severely expensive program for using images that many others may have already used in their products.

I could really use some suggestions for some CHEAP options to use, preferably a single-purchase use vs. a monthly payment for the license
Have you thought about taking your own photographs or hiring a photographer and/or graphic artist and owning your own images?

Greetings y'all,

Recently I have found a way to distribute my music to popular streaming sites like Apple Music and Spotify. However, because of the mass distribution and me getting paid royalties for all streams, I need to find a way to use images for album artwork LEGALLY. I have considered Adobe Stock, however, they have a severely expensive program for using images that many others may have already used in their products.

I could really use some suggestions for some CHEAP options to use, preferably a single-purchase use vs. a monthly payment for the license

If you're looking for a secure way, do what rhythmgj recommends. If you're looking for a free way, just remember, no guts no glory; lol j/k, do what rhyrhmgj says...