Help! How to split profit with non-musical companions?


New member
Hi everyone,

I would like to work with a visual artist, he's also a friend of mine. He will make viddys and full animations for me of the songs that I’m going to release. Think of it as a sort of Gorillaz-like idea.

My question is how this collaboration will be... How do we split the possible profit? My first thought is to think that the musician gets more than the visual artist, partly due to Spotify revenues and alike.
But maybe 50/50 for incomes fromout YouTube where there is a full 3D animation viddy? But then Spotify (where there are no images/viddys) should be at least 90/10..
I really don't know.
I would very much like to put something on paper, so that there is no bitching during the process.

Who has the answer? :hmmm:
I would suggest that you first take in consideration how much it "cost" you to produce your songs and for your friend to consider how much it "cost" him to produce the videos. "Cost" being money, and how much time it takes you to make the song or video. Whoever it cost more should ask for more. Try that, if not you can never go wrong with splitting your profits 50/50.