Can someone help me master this song?

Your track needs to be mixed first!
Edit all unwanted parts on the vocal track.
Use automation to control the levels of both mixtape and and voice track.
Once you have the perfect mix, you can go ahead in production with a mastering session.
Vocals need more emotion & a better flow. You sound like you half assing it. By the way you're flowing your like getting there but you aint all the way there. Take time and get it done. Punch in after every couple bars and make it perfect. Hit your vocals right and this can be a POWERFUL track, especially with an instrumental with that.

After that get the track mixed, then it can be mastered. Just remember mixing & mastering wont fix a bad flow and emotionless vocal take. A track with a good performance and lower quality is better than a track with a bad performance and amazing quality.
^^ True, half assed vocals and rapping equal half assed song. its better to record 25 times and get the vocal bang on that 1 time than record it once and let it sound merrp

Also it sounds like it can be mixed alot better before you master it.
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The song needs to be mixed again as mastering this copy will just make it sound louder. Import a song you like into your DAW, and do an A/B comparison while you are mixing. It sounds like you low pass filtered everything...very little high end. Dope sample though.