Good Day Fine People


New member
Hi my name is alex and I am currently trying to absorb as much knowledge as I can about getting my mixes to sound as crisp as possible. One of your posters posted some very helpful information regarding EQing and instruments and gave descriptive examples that even I could understand and soon apply. My DAW is FL Studio 9 and I have started to take my mixing very seriously due to the fact that I am connecting with artists and other producers besides the fact that it is a must in this industry. I stumbled upon the loudness wars and I found it very interesting, I've heard that nowadays people are subsituting quality mixing with louder mixing to compete with other producers resulting in what some would say, a degradedation in music. What my future goal is, is to combine both high quality mixing AND loudness together =]. So what I try to do with my mixes is get the sounds in the correct frequency range, boost as high as I or cut as low as necessary to achieve maximum crispness and then use effect plugins such as a maximus or multiband compressors/limiters to further achieve that goal.
Cool! I use FL Studio too! I'm trying to learn how to make sequenced music less robotic and more organic, and how to compose catchy music. Nice to meet you!