midi driver software


New member
someone please reply..

i connected my rm1x to a joystick port midi adapter
i set up the rm1x config perfectly.. triple checked it..
on my computer i opened a rebirth..
i had the midi goto my soundcard midi driver.. vortex or something
try to control it.. no reply in or out

ok so i run this program called MIDI MONITOR
it monitors for any midi signals going into my computer

what drivers do i need to make midi work?
i tried this a couple years ago and failed with a sb16 card too

im going to buy a midiman eventually but i need to get this working because i have important deadlines to meet..
I use Hubis Midi Loopback to control rebirth via a softsequencer but that shouldn't be an issue in your case.
If your midi monitor doesn't show anything, try and change the cord cause on those joystick midi ports, out actually means in.

Anyway. You also have to set up rebirth to the right channel in preferences and be sure you set the RM1X to the same too.
Now rebirth must also be set in "Coltrol Patterns Via Midi" in options and "Sync to Midi" must also be checked.
In preferences you should also choose Rebirth Standard Mapping otherwise you won't be able to change patterns.

Now when all this is done, check the rebirth manual for how to change patterns and stuff (in the midi mapping section) and have phun.
Oh. And remember when you change patterns while running rebirth in sync with the RM1X, the pattern change events should come a little before the bar where they're meant to happen. It's a bit annoying but there's no way around it.
something vortex
or vortex something
i forget
its my friends computer

so i dont need any additional software to use the joystick adapter?
i switched the midi in and out
whoever decided the in and out for this adapter
was ****ed!

but i have this other problem..
i ran logic with the rm1x..
the midi is slow and my rm1x
makes this horrid dirty sound
also i got a message one time on the rm1x
saying midi bufferoverflow
i know what a buffer over flow is
but how do i make this smooth with midi?
what config do i change? on the rm1x or the computer?

since im only connecting my computer to my rm1x this time
i dont know why it would have so many problems
if you know how to change the config please have detail because my computer is in chinese and i dont understand chinese characters.. makes it difficult ;)

thanks again chris
well... are you routing out from logic? Cause then abviously the problem is that whats going in is immidiately comming out to the RM1X and that's bad!! Very Bad!
Disconnect the output from the computer till you find someone who's got logic and can tell you how to make the routing stop.
thanks for the help again

im sure ill have more probs along the way ill ask
and youll be there
god i love these online thingys

last year.. i had so many questions and nobody to explain hehe