got a nice chair?



chairs are so expensive. for me atleast. any suggestions on where to buy? or one u like.

$100 or more for a chair with no arm rests? ugh
The nicest chair is often a couch. Get some extension cords and kick back.

My TV's surround sound system is now my b!tch.
Ikeas got some nice ones for like $70. Real nice, armrests and the kick back. The chair really holds the room together.
when i moved out, I had to move from a nice comfy reclining office chair with arm rests, to a wack as hard as a rock folding chair.
I hate that damn folding chair. For real, I always though, why do I need arm rests? I'm young, my arms don't get tired, but that kind of stuff is real nice when you don't have it.