Why is FL Studio Changing the Pitch of My Drum Sounds? Drums & Tempo?


Okay, so im in a bit of a situation that im not really understanding. My drum sounds pitch are changing with my tempo. When I click on a drum sound while the song isn't in 'play' mode it sounds fun, but when I start to play the song, and click on a drum sound it sounds EXTREMELY slowed down and distorted. Anyone know whats going on?

---------- Post added at 08:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:37 PM ----------

So I was messing around, I opened up a few of the samples in itunes and exported them as WAVEs again and replaced the other samples, now they work fine. Anyone know why this is happened?
For Some strange reason FL Studio sometimes does auto timestretching to samples This effects the tempo as well as the pitch. when it happens go the the samples settings "SMP" than under the timestretching section make sure the time knob is all the way to the left.
For Some strange reason FL Studio sometimes does auto timestretching to samples This effects the tempo as well as the pitch. when it happens go the the samples settings "SMP" than under the timestretching section make sure the time knob is all the way to the left.

Thanks, it worked like a charm.
Sweet my question was asking the same thing in a different way right by this thread. Funny how we are all exp this at the same time LOL