School Me


New member
I've been producing Hip-hop music on Reason since about 06. I'm interested in getting into vinyl and getting my hands black. Mainly I really just want to

1. Scratching, I believe nothing sets off a track like some good scratches. (Reference track: Common - The Game)

2. Sampling vinyl for production.

I've got about $800 to spend on the set-up and I wont front I know nothing about operating the wheels. So while I'm doing my research and trying to gather some books I figure it would be good to see what the homies at FP would recommend.

And to kill any miscommunications I have no intention of DJing Parties or events. Just Scratching and Sampling.

I read SYM's post so I am hoping I am not missing any info here.
2nd hand technics 1200, or vestax 2300/3000 and any decent midrange mixer, heaps to choose from, numark, vestax even stanton's too.

ebay is your best friend!
i would go second hand technics 1200, and a vestax PMC05 with a replacement eclectic breaks pro xfade crossfader. I would be happy with that now, and i imagine you can get it for your budget. Or even the battle vestax mixer, but with the replacement crossfader to aid scratching.

You will be laughing with that set up.

Then its just down to practise, youtube, practise, DVDs, practise, listen to stuff, get inspired, practise, youtube, practise.
Okay one technic and a mixer or two technics and a mixer? Naw preciate the advice lol. I'll keep this in mind. any reccommended literature or video links?
if you can afford to buy two technics you might aswel, especially if you get into beat juggling or even just crackin out some fresh mixtapes.

i agree on the vestax 05 with pro x fade, thats what i've got, its a tank!

any of dj q-berts dvd's are great, and also dj shortee's.