Mpc 4000


just curious cuz i am planning on buying this here soon. I was wondering if the 4000 had the bugs worked out in the os? i have a 2000 now i want to upgrade and have 2 for the studio incase one craps out on me i wont be forced back into the FL world
the 4k still has some issues i hear but go to the mpcforums im sure they can give u a lot more info
Maaaannnn, I love the 4000 BUT it's hella out dated... Unless your getting one for a ridiculous price like,,,,,,,,,,,,,$500...
If it's fully maxed-out, it's really not too outdated at all in my opinion. Especially compared to a 2000. I know plenty of cats who are still totally in love with their 4000s.

Alternatively, I would suggest looking into the Roland MV as well.
its funny that people talk about mpcs being so outdated when chances are your favorite producer is still rocking a mpc 60, 3000 or 2000.
Its not the software you have to worry about on the 4k,its the hardware since replacement parts are not made anymore.
Listen to Xabiton. Besides, an older machine doesn't prevent you from making music in a much more modern style. Not to mention the fact people still dig that old school type a music, so it's still all technically relevant even to this day ya'll. Whether you like it or not, Xabi is right.
MPCs are not outdated and far from it. Its preference if u want to make ur beats using a piece of hardware than so be it. If u want to make ur beats using software so be it.
naw man hardware really is outdated lol. theres a reason why companies don't make new hardware anymore. in the next few years I expect akai to make something similar to machine with an mpc style interface. People have stopped buying Tritons and Motifs and Fantoms ect and instead buy software romplers because u can get more sounds and they are more expandable. I think software romplers are superior in a lot of ways. I don't like tweaking software samplers though. i am trying to get myself to become a software sampler fan but I dont see it happening anytime soon. And I am not selling my Mpc.