Looking for advice about gear


New member
So I've been producing music for a few years with no physical gear and am looking to invest but I'm relatively new to it and don't know a lot about all the available hardware besides the most popular stuff (kaoss pad, maschine, etc.). Money is kind of an issue but I'm not necessarily broke and am definitely willing to pay for decent quality, just can't afford the best of the best shit. Anyways, here's what I'm trying to accomplish with my first purchase(s):
I want to be able to sample sounds from a source (record player, mic, ipod, etc.) and use those samples on a synthesizer/keyboard/controller. To be more specific, let's say I sample a quick horn stab and it's in C, once loaded into the synth, I want to be able to play all the possible notes with that sample as the instrument but without stretching or shortening the sample to achieve those notes. Sorry if that was over-explained but I'm just trying to make sure the objective is clear.
I grew up playing drums, guitar, bass, etc. so I'm looking to achieve a more organic feel while making electronic music and using samples.
I'd rather use something with an actual keyboard than a controller with pads but if anyone thinks there is a great benefit to pads then I'm open to the input.
I know there are a lot of all-in-one instruments that can probably do everything I just said but if there is a reason I should stick with separate components let me know.
All help is greatly appreciated and if you have any questions about what I mean feel free to ask. Thanks folks!
Once you sample a sound you will be able to play it up and down the keyboard but you can't expect a single sample to sound natural as it's played up and down the keyboard as that would require multiple samples.

You could go for a keyboard sampler or you could go for a tabletop or rack sampler that you control via a MIDI controller keyboard and I would definitely recommend something which integrates with a computer for editing if you plan to do more than just chop up break beats.
you just need an audio interface with a Phono Pre-Amp to hook up a turntable.
Or do it directly from a DJ-mixer into the Line In's on your audio interface.

If you still need an audio interface and want drumpads i would recommend a MPC Renaissance cause it has both in 1 in a cool machine which also has Phono Pre-Amps.
It has Mic inputs etc. but thats very expensive. but than you could sample with the MPC and use it's audio-interface to record vocals into let's say Pro Tools.