Is a used Presonus Eureka worth paying $300?


New member
I see used Presonus Eureka's going for anywhere between $250 and $300 on Ebay all the time, and I'm wondering if it's a good deal. I like the fact it's also a compressor and a 3-band EQ. For the price, is there anything maybe similar to the Eureka that I may find secondhand that you would recommend? So far it seems like a killer deal to get this for $250-$300.
I hear good things about it. People who have one say it's good clean gain, especially considering i think you get 8 preamps. Good solid front-end.

Probably not going to beat a $500 single channel pre like a Grace M101... but... it's not supposed to, it's supposed to give u 8 good pres.
The Eureka is a single channel unit.

It solid for its price point. I've used on a few occasions and liked it.

^Ahh damn, you're absolutely right. I always thought it was 8 channel for some reason lmao. I'm losing my damn mind.
No worries. Everything else you said is pretty much on point. The actual pre of the Grace might be better but the Eureka's eq and comp are a pretty good trade off.