instrumental and vocal mashup

i have my my instrumental done in the key of C and i recorded my vocals everything sounded good until am about to mix because am mixing for the first time i really don't know what to do and i will be glad if any one can help clarify.
1. the artist sang well but was in the key of F,although it sound good on the instrumental but must the instrumental and vocals be on the same key ?
2. if they must be on the same key,which of them will shift ground ?.in other words,will i transpose the vocal to the key of C of the instrumental to the key of F ?
3. currently almost every key sounds alike to me so whenever i pick any key i am always in doubt...please is there any software that can automatically detect key on vocals ?.or is there any way i can detect the key of a vocal with my DAW ?
There are three possibilities:

1) The vocal will sound fine in the track because either the vocal or the track use pitches from the other's key only. So it'll resolve to C or F. For example if the vocal only uses F, C and A, then that may well sit fine because all those pitches are in C major.

2) The two will go together but the two will combine into some exotic key (i.e. not Cmajor, CMinor, Fmajor or FMinor). For example the vocal might have a Bb in it which will give you a C Major with Bb in it. So long as your track doesn't use B natural then that may well sound fine, but a bit exotic.

3) The two won't go together at all.

As far as transposing is concerned, you can't just transpose a vocal without incurring distortion. You might be better off transposing the track: you produced that and can make it work in whatever key you want. Unless the track is loop heavy, even then I would argue that you should avoid shifting the vocal. Vocals are both complex and familiar to our ears, shifting will stick out.

That said... maybe you like the sound of heavily pitch shifted vocals. Like an effect. Up to you.

If the track uses lots of recordings, and you care about the integrity of the sound, you're probably knackered. You'll have to rerecord something.
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