Best Programs for the Beats Edition Envy by HP


New member
Hey everyone, im new to this and just bought what i assume is a bad ass computer for beat making, recording, etc. I was just wondering what i should be doing, and if you could give me any pointers or just point me in the right direction with the program, that would be awesome! Also, i have no clue what im doing with this laptop haha completely a noob! Any info is appreciated!
If it's not too much did you pay for that joint, and what are the specs on it? I get the feeling you got jerked. I mean, as far as getting your money's worth. You paid for the Beats logo, and you shouldn't have. I love the Beats brand, but there's no way I would've copped that HP over a Mac...if you're going to spend THAT kind of money. You could have copped a Dell and had change left over if you just wanted to stick to a Windows based joint. Not to mention that you can run Windows on Macs now.
The beats laptop comes with special speakers, but for serious production you would have wanted to put that extra money into some quality studio monitors instead of mixing with the laptop speakers