VST Ommarunn new series of tutorials and experiments


The first part of my series oftutorials about the VST Ommarunn by iraisynn attinom is online now.

Ommarunn Tutorial 1 Overview - YouTube

Ommarunn is a quite unconventionalsynth – but a powerful one. Ommarunn shines with its (nearly)uncountable number of possible modulations (nearly every parameterhas its own set of modulating subparameters) – just to name one ofits fascinating characteristics. It´s a terrible GUI covering awonderful piece of software. And here is the timeline of the video.

00:00 Introduction
00:53 Initial Status, Waveforms andGenerators I
02:04 Phase and Phase Cancellation
04:43 Waveforms II
08:30 Control Functions
10:02 Global Structure
11:27 Reset and Initialise
13:38 Parameters and the Structureof the Modulators
14:08 Designing Our First Own Sound
22:57 Tune, FM, PM, AM
27:30 Reset and Random
29:38 Some Words at the End