Requesting help: Automating Pitch on samples (FLS)


New member
Hey guys :) .. not sure if this is even in the right section but I have this vocal sample (.wav) and I need to automate the pitch so it glides down and glides up.
Sounds easy right? Well I need to do it without losing the samples tempo. How on earth do I do this?
I think you'd have to use time stretch, which kind of sucks if your sample isn't in beat long increments, say your sample was 2.5 beats long, or 1.25 bars long, rather than even 2 bars, 4 bars etc.

Though I suppose you could still automate the pitch and the time knob with it, although I'm sure it's gonna be a bit of a pain.
In the sampler for the vocal track try right clicking the pitch and creating an automation track and messing around with that. Hope that helps.
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once you have your sample and laid out to match your tempo, u just need to automate the pitch, that wont affect the tempo. Theres several vidoes on youtube