Public Service Announcement: Sonic Producer


New member
I'm giving yall my review of Sonic Producer.

It only costs $29.95, but it's not worth it.

When you save your beats, then try to open
them up later they're gone.

There's a lot of glitches on the website, so when
you try to make a beat there's a lot of clicking and
popping. If you're making a fast tempo beat like 120,
it sounds more like 90. You can't truly hear it until
you export it to mp3.

One thing I really didn't like is when you try to load
certain sounds the whole thing freezes up. If you
have a beat on the screen that you was working on
you have to scrap the whole thing because there's
no other way around it.

Also, as soon as you make the purchase they tell
you that you can have more sounds by upgrading.
The cost is like $100 or something like that. They
only start you off with only a little bit of sounds.
Kinda like using the sounds that come with FL.

If you was thinkin about buying this, I'm here to
tell your money. I know it's only $30,
but you'd probably be better off getting Timbo's
Beaterator. That's just my opinion.

Hmmm....looks pretty lame to be honest. I wouldn't waste any money on it. The best place to start is with music theory and get a good program like reason. Fl studio is ok I just don't like the sequencer and some other things about it; but to each it's own. Here is a good place to start if you are new to music theory