Getting into Logic X


New member
As a long time Logic user, I remember when Apple bought it from E magic. I was never quite sure where they were going to take it. I bought Logic 9 just under a year ago for 200 dollars, and I had trouble believing it was going to be a worthwhile upgrade. I recently did a switch over from Final Cut to Adobe CS, and transitioned easily with the help of some online tutorials. I resubscribed to the service and watched about 7 hours of training on the new release. They were exceptional quality and extremely well informed. has been in business for almost a decade, and for a dot com company, that says a lot.

After viewing these expansive videos, I will shell out another 200 for the new version. There are too many amazing changes to ignore. No not Drummer, although it is interesting, I mean the new smart controls, laid out on an ipad, routed to my old rack mount gear. Great new control of automation gives new life to old synths, inside the DAW and out. I pay the 25 dollar per month subscription, but they always have a bunch of free vids in amongst the pay sones. The overview video is free as well, and it is quite good. It goes over all the basic changes and additions to the program.
Logic X

I've always been a big believer in Logic, its been my DAW of choice for the last 5 years, so i will also be shelling out the 200 bucks for logic x very soon
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