10 workflow tips in Ableton Live Session Mode

ak (:>

New member
Hello forum!

I got so much positive feedback on the last '20 tips' video that I did a follow-up, 10 tips in session mode.

Wanted to share some of my workflow with all of you:

Here's the list of tricks:

1. Using automation AND modulation, together
2. Using silent clips in a follow action block
3. Record follow actions while changing timing intervals
4. Default Templates... for days
5. Random melody generator
6. Looped playback scrubber for resampling
7. Using Symbols in tracks names
8. Muting things with sidechain gate
9. Copy to siblings for drumracks
10. Show devices

Feedback welcomed. Enjoy!
So I'm a little surprised that NO ONE commented here (do people even care about tutorials anymore?)

The internet is a cruel, dark place.

I did a follow up, 10 MORE tips in session mode, tried to make it a bit less genre-specific, and wanted to share it in this thread:

Here's the list of tips for this video (which I think are pretty unique):

11. in-key midi, on the grid: 0:25
12. 'insert blank scene' for breakdowns: 2:58
13. freezing blank tracks for organization: 4:04
14. unlooping clips: 5:08
15. dummy clips (and you): 5:38
16. get rid of clip names: 8:46
17. session to arrange back to session: 9:30
18. removing the stop button: 10:26
19. ad-hoc DJ mode: 11:10
20. perfect/magic sends: 13:07

Enjoy, community!
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