Narrative Short Score


New member
This is actually an older cut that's being adapted for a short narrative film about a bank robbery. There's no dialog - it's all foley, photography and body language.

Just curious for feedback on the track.

Dark Theme v3
I should really see the footage before I judge this track, but here are my thoughts. The windchimesy sound in the beginning and throughout sounds cheesy and diverts my attention, I feel. I'd get rid of it. What I'd also get rid of are the synth strings that come in around 1:45. They sound somewhat out of place. Maybe you could use another patch, or perhaps make them a little less noodly?

But mind you, these are just a few points on an otherwise excellent tune. I loved your crisp, clean production and piano parts. Sounds kinda like the music you hear on documentaries on Discovery.
I call that effect "birds", and it actually has a visual meaning in the film. Currently, it's just used decoratively - it will be placed differently against locked picture.

With the strings, they provided a secondary texture I liked, but I agree with you on the "noodling-ness" of the movements. Chances are good simplicity will be the order of the day with the strings. And maybe a truer string sample, too.

Thx for actually listening.
I pretty much have the same comments as Harp Heaven. I agree that the chime wash/Bird effect is a little obtrusive but when you're watching the film you probably don't even notice it. Also I agree on the strings. The patch/sample could be more organic and could use a bit more development to give it more of a linear motion towards the end of the piece

Overall, I dig! It reminds me a little of Graeme Ravell's (awful spelling I am sure) The Saint Soundtrack...also it is very well produced! Great job overall!
I love the piano track, and the beat.. I actually thought the wind chime thing was cool, and I can see it being used in a film easily..

My only negative, albeit small negative, was the warbly sound throughout the whole song was a little loud. It was more prevalent than the piano. It's like I was trying to listen to the piano and all I hear is "whooooooooooooooooooooo"

Just like that ;)

I like it though!