How to get this distorted effect on your drums?

Might be a hit with white noise over it.
Might be a chop of a hit with white noise trailing.
Might be bit-crusher applied to the sample only affecting the tail.

Most sounds like a hit with white noise following to my ears
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How would I apply a bit crusher that only effects the tail of a hit? Would the bit crusher need to have an envelop control on it?
How would I apply a bit crusher that only effects the tail of a hit? Would the bit crusher need to have an envelop control on it?
In ableton you could play a hit and automate the effect coming on when you want. Tweek to satisfaction, record that action into an audiotrack and utilize it in production later.

Or you could cut the sample in such a way that only the tail is there, apply bitctrusher/other effects to that then splice that tail with the hit portion of your snare hit.

Or you could play with levels while layering.

You know, I am just now realizing how many ways there are to do the similar things, and that each one will have its benefits/limitations.