How to create this sound that opens and closes over time...


New member
NEO-DIO's NGBC Theme - YouTube

The sounds starts at the very beginning of the song and carries on for a while. Sort of a rolling electronic sound effect that seems to get brighter and then muffled and then brighter etc. etc.

I think I can figure out how to make the sound open and close but I can't figure out how to actually make that sterile electric sound that it uses.

Any idea? It sounds like a really basic sound that just repeats again and again.
mostly white noise with a bit of filtering being modulated by an upward sloped ramp wave

the sound itself is being triggered by a rhythmic pulse before it gets to the filter

so the sound design is in two separate parts - drum like white noise sound and modulated filter applied after
That's some complex stuff. I'm going to get on this one right now and see what I can pull off with the information given. Thanks again. You've assisted me so many times.