Good tutorials regarding music theory?

Danny D.

New member
I have a lot of ideas and melodies in my head, but I just can't recreate them when it comes time to record. I'm looking for anything, whether it be a book or a video series, that can help me with my theory.


this is really good place to learn music theory that i was lead to by other producers on this sites. Its a great place to start learn and i should know since i had trouble learn how to understand music until i went to the site.
Looks like a good site.
Gonna check it out when I get home.
Something I've been wanting to learn more about also.
Music theory for Dummies is a really great book. If you can afford lessons to learn an instrument, any instrument, it would also help immensely. For tutorials, just do a search on YouTube. They even have full out, step by step, piano tutorials on YouTube. Use the Search function on Future Producers for more tips. A lot of people wonder about these things, so similar questions have been answered thoroughly.
there's a video series called "How music works" on Youtube (but it's if your already familiar with the basics but you should watch it anyway it does deal with theory)

what you need are scales, and record the melody into a tap recorder because hitting the key on the piano will make you forgot the melody. Record it and know what a major and minor scale is so you can narrow down your choices of notes to the ones you are most likely looking for

here is a cool theory site with interactive flash to help your understand