Dusty side chain effect?

Idk how to but in my case, small threshold SC, saturation, panning, eq, kinda stuffs. Also try to SC not just to audio itself but also get that SC effect to the saturation, panning and phasing parameters. Eq is my 101 tho. I think eq determines all the tones, atmospheres and textures.
It's sidechained noise, but I wouldn't go for a classic white noise, but instead use pink noise.
The sound is highpassed, with probably a gentle cut around 400 Hz to remove boxyness, and somewhere around 3 kHz to make it smoother.
It also sounds like they've squashed it a little by purpose as well, making the volume jump around a little. Do this by using a compressor, set the threshold to where the peak starts, use quick releasetime and dial in the ratio by taste.
Then it's pretty much standard sidechained compression, with low threshold, heavy ratio, and slow releasetime.