Common Chord Lesson.

so if a series of chords flows together and sounds in sync (if that makes sense), it's by definition a chord progression?
not necessarily - the concept of progression is about cadences, a topic far more involved than I want to go into right now. The basics are:

I-V/i-V ~ C-G/Cmin-G (CEG-GBD/CEbG-GBD)

V-I/V-i ~ G-C/G-Cmin (GBD-CEG/GBD-CEbG)

V-vi/V-bVI ~ G-Amin/G-Ab (GBD-ACE/GBD-AbCEb)

V-anything else

IV-I/iv-i ~ F-C/Fmin-Cmin (FAC-CEG/FAbC-CEbG)

ii-V/iib5-V ~ Dm-G/Dmb5-G (DFA-GBD/DFAb-GBD)

Building progressions that use these chord pairs tends to provide direction in resolution. I'll finish up a tute and post it in the tutorials section