Chord progressions in Minor Scales


New member
Working on my minor scales now
Do the same rules apply for chord progressions in the Minor Scale as they do in Major scale?

In terms of where each chord can move to?
Major Scale:
I - II - III - IV - V - VI - VII
M - m -m - M -M - m - d

Minor Sclae:
I - II - III - IV - V - VI - VII
m - d - M - m - m - M - M

do the same rules apply for where each Chord moves to?
If V can move to I in the Major scale, does that mean it can for the minor scale?
THere are some basic rules here to remember.

- V always goes to I, this is the Authentic cadence.
-IV always goes to I as well, this is the Plagal cadence.
-the Vi/vi of a scale (major/Ionian or minor/Aeolian) is considered the "relative major/minor" depending on the tonality. This gets us to where you are at. When you have A natural minor (F as the sixth not F#), this is the same scale as the C major scale. Just as well, the chord progressions that you would do with the C major scale (in terms of scale degree progressions such as ii/V/I) can all be done in the minor scale, just using the different tonalities of the minor scale degrees (the 4th degree is minor with natural minor, major with Ionian major scale). The only difference here is that the V chord can ALWAYS be a V7 when going back to the tonic, regardless of scale. In the natural minor scale, the V is technically minor (Phrygian mode) but can be played both ways.

Short answer is yes basically.
V can go anywhere - there is no requirement that it goes to i, but that the raised 7th goes to scale tone 1

So V can go to i or to [sup]b[/sup]VI or to iv in the harmonic minor without reference to 7ths or other chord extensions.

When we add in extensions, then we can also go to ii[sup]7b5[/sup], [sup]b[/sup]VII[sup]9[/sup], [sup]b[/sup]III[sup]6#5[/sup], V[sup]11[/sup], etc.

When we then factor in any chord that contains scale tone 1, we have an even wider range of choices.

Looks like I need to finish that tutorial on the minor chord progressions tips and tricks.