Beyond the basic waveforms


I finally own a VST where I have complete control over the oscillator waveform for sound construction
It's great as I can now make any linear, concave, or convex waveform out there/ imaginable (to an extent of course)
Beyond the basics (Sine, triangle, square, saw) what other crazy waveforms exist as I am looking to experiment
I can easily design any shape that comes to mind.. but I was wondering if you guys knew of any there were more 'un-common', as in, they don't usually come equipped with your standard VST.
Any charts would be great!
Excluding effects like vibrato and tremolo, those waveforms are the only ones that repeat the same each cycle so there's no list of others. I guess you could include pulse waves, but a pulse wave is just a square wave except the duty cycle is of a whatever value whereas in a square wave it's 50%. It's what you do to the pure waves that makes all the cool noise.

Although saying that, for a clickable option on a synth, there's digiwaves and noise.
Don't forget that you can apply the pulse wave concept to any of the waverforms now - 10% positive time 90% negative time, or you can have 90% positive and 10% negative.

Also the pulse wave is more than just a modified square wave as it changes the entire harmonic structure of the resulting sound. As will aplying it to any other waveform.

Beyond that look at cyclic mathematical functions for other possible waveforms, such as catenary curves (you might want to find a way to invert every other cycle) or squared trig functions such as sin[sup]2[/sup] and cos[sup]2[/sup], again these have no negative cycle side, so you might want to modify the function somehow so that you till get a negative part of the cycle.