Basic harmonic and melodic elements of modern pop music?

if you use samples alot in your music i would suggest to start with your sample first... or before you do your chord progression anyways because your chord progression can be modified easier then a sample can. especially when technology now allows us to take a sample, drop it into a plugin and find out exactly what notes your sample is tuned to.... then you can take them corresponding notes and make your progression with that. just my theory anyways

---------- Post added at 05:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:32 AM ----------

by the way, the maps on one of the sites bandcoach pointed me to earlier was very helpful showing me what chords sound good before or after other chords
Learn a bunch of popular songs in 12 keys. It sounds kind of tedious, I know. But you'd be amazed at how deep your understanding will become when you do this. You'll begin to understand chord progressions on a much deeper level, and they'll seep into your chordal vocabulary. But more importantly the exercise will make an imprint on your chordal sensibilities and you'll start naturally creating progressions that fit the sound you're after.

This goes for melodies too, btw.
Vurki, what's the finnish music theory book called, been trying to find one for a long time but haven't had any succes yet? :D