Work / Controlla Hi Hat Patterns - Drake Hip Hop

I think its cool to work with hats

it is same problems like you have with kick and bass to make it work good, you have same problem with hats,

you can do things you may already know like SIDE CHAIN

with hats you are more free free to do panning, because they can sound good if you play only on one speaker is just that is good to not go beyond 50% for other reasons : like you don't want people who stand on one side of the speaker in clubs to miss one of the sound but if you go 50% its not that bad

you can use all the frequencies above 1.5k to work with

I would keep my CHAT, OHAT more as a background rhythm and play other cymbals a little louder so you can tell better when something like RIDE, CRASH comes,

you have frequencies above 1.5k to work with, to make the sound the way you like it you just need to set a vision of how are you going to make all those work together