wiz khalifa roll up chords?


New member
ok from what i've picked up.. the song is in Eb major (correct me if i am wrong..)

and the chords they use go Eb... Eb.. in the first bar... but instead of using Eb,G,A#... they took the G out. and used Eb and A#... but took another A# as the bass note.. i know this is called a fifth.. then they go and do G,G#,G again using the fifths, so have G2 and G3 etc.... is there some theory behind using these fifths? or did they just experiment and it came out like this???... basically i want to know the theory behind them making that wiz khalifa roll up chords.. or at least chorus melody chords... or the thoery behind using chords and fifths?

Nice lyrics (subtler than most of what I listen to to break down)

Nit picking: it's B[sup]b[/sup] not A[sup]#[/sup] and it's A[sup]b[/sup] not G[sup]#[/sup]

Nice ear on this one Rhyan

As I hear it as it rolls by the notes are

E[sup]b[/sup]-F -E[sup]b[/sup]

The other bit you point out is played over the top of the sustained B[sup]b[/sup]-E[sup]b[/sup] at the end of the three chord passage

B[sup]b[/sup]-B[sup]b[/sup]-G -A[sup]b[/sup]-G-E[sup]b[/sup]-B[sup]b[/sup]
E[sup]b[/sup]-F -E[sup]b[/sup]----------

Not much theory to it. Any metal head can tell you the reasons why it works - you remove the 3rd and make the chord ambiguous - is it major? is it minor?

Beyond that it is a sequence of 5th above 4th - 4th above 5th - 3rd above 4th - decoration

E[sup]b[/sup]5[sub]/B[sup]b[/sup][/sub] - B[sup]b[/sup]5 - E[sup]b[/sup][sub]/B[sup]b[/sup][/sub]
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