
I know this is an old topic, but I searched the site, and I didn't wanna duplicate the topic. If someone has the VST, you should at least post it for me, since I actually searched first :)
if ur talking about the whistle t ype synth like the one in "i'm a king" then it's a square lead. i don't know about a vst, but i do know that reason 3.0 has a subtractor preset on it called "basic square" that sounds pretty similar, with tweaking it will be exactly the same sound.
Thanks for the reply man, I found what you were talking about, But I found another one that sounds a bit better. Its in the Hypersonic VST and its called Theremain (sp). Thats just for anyone else curious for the sound, and smart enough to search first :)
I would, but the Hypersonic VST is HUGE, its not like one file or anything. Its installed software. To my knowledge, there is no demo
TrebleWithoutAPause, can you narrow it down for me about the Square Lead?

On the Subtractor patches, you have the following folders: Bass, Fx, Monosynths, Pads, Percussions, and Polysynths.

Is the square lead in any of the previous folders that I mentioned?

Inside the Reason's Subtractor patches folder, there is a Monosynths folder, Treble, that has the Mellow Triangle. In my opinion, the Mellow Triangle really sounds close to Lil' Jon's Whistle.
Maybe a couple of tweaks here and there will produce a good emulation of the Lil' Jon Whistle
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