What is One Thing That sets You Apart?


New member
Greetings Future Producers. I just wanted to pose this question to you all. Is there a type of sound, mood, or instrument that defines your music? Or maybe its how you mix or produce your track.

If you don't think you have something that sets you apart then what is your biggest strength? When you have identified that, during the creation of your next song, add something unique to that strength. People are much more drawn to unique songs than something that been done in thousands of other tracks.

For me, I always arrange every aspect of the drums. I don't settle for loops or pre-made beats, as freely arranging the drums gives me the independence to express what I hear in my head.
What sets me apart is that I don't know what I'm doing. I never know what a song will sound like. I am mostly random but it seems to work for me. Unless any pattern repeated makes a riff. I believe it may. But I also think I come up with catchy tunes.