What is mix-tape????



what is the use of a mix-tape cant you just call it an album what separates the two.
mixtape is more to display your talent i feel, the albums usually there to generate money. On a mixtape you do wut you want, people probably have a hell of a lot more fun than on the album. Albums usually more structured, like u wouldnt have a "freestyle" on an album... the mixtape would be like a pick up game of ball and the albums like you playin on a team... i guess
tape = CD (nowadays, usually)

mixtape can be DJ made and contain many artists mixed together, no silence parts (usually tape or mp3 mix set)

mixtape can be a compilation of different artists on a CD, with individual tracks and breaks (sold on the internet paying for cover art to bypass copyright material)

mixtape can be artist specific representation of ones original work, usually lower in sound production quality; may serve as a demo tape or a quick release to get an artist noticed