Using COMPRESSION to make sounds louder???


New member
I heard using compression can make a sound louder but make it sound like its boxed in
if its over compressed.

I was wondering if I had a snare sound that hits at -8.0 dB
is there a way to make it LOUDER but still hit at -8.0 dB?????

I was thinking of this so that I cant mix each sound as loud as it can so that the final mix sounds as LOUD as it can be without distortion.
Well if you compress the sound to oblivion, like a - 50db threshold and a 20:1 ratio and watch how many dbs of gain reduction you get and apply makeup gain for that same amount, you'd essentially have a sound that hits at the same level, but every little dynamic content in the sound would be completely eradicated but it would sound much louder because every piece of it would be at virtually the same level.

Now of course, this is not really the way to do it. But if you do compress a sound, and make up for the gain reduction you would get a perceived louder sound.
short answer NO

longer answer it depends on what you are specifically trying to make louder

in either case it will not just be a compressor to make it happen
I was thinking of this so that I cant mix each sound as loud as it can so that the final mix sounds as LOUD as it can be without distortion.
This isn't the right way to think about it. You're missing the other 90% of mixing, which is dealing with frequency clashes, ensuring levels are correct etc