Uplifting Chords??

bandcoach what's a real way to learn chord progression? i mean something that really helps you on making them and not only too theory stuff

What's that mean? Lol practice, plain & simple. Practice using the Circle of 5ths & whatever you play in say Cmaj, play it in every other key. You gotta have the theory if you wanna know what you needa practice. The theory & actually playing are 2 different skills. Practice & keep learnin. Funny question though.

bandcoach what's a real way to learn chord progression? i mean something that really helps you on making them and not only too theory stuff

Biggest thing you can do is listen to other people's stuff and start looking for common threads.Years ago, I started writing down all the different chord progressions I had come across as a guitarist, playing rock, pop, country, metal, jazz,reggae, etc. I then started analysing them so that I could
  • remove similar ones and
  • play them in any key (kind of like converting to the Nashville Numbers system, only I used Roman numerals instead).
I have collected a 100 or so of these now and keep adding to them as I learn of more "common" chord progressions. See Band Coach ~ Common Chord Progressions: Major and Band Coach ~ Common Chord Progressions: Minor for examples.The major part of learning this is learning how to play/voice the chords that are expected as a result. Voicing is at its simplest, the manner in which each chords notes are used when playing. For example a D7 chord can be played as D2-A2-C3-F#3 or D2-F#2-C3-D3 or D2-A2-D3-F#3-C4 on the guitar with very little effort....
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