u-he´s BAZILLE Patch Analysis 5 "Acid Moon --- A3"


Bazille Patch Analysis 5 “Acid moom –A3” is available now.
Bazille Patch Analysis 5 Acid Moon A3 TRAILER - YouTube

The patch consists of acomplex combination of quite different elements.
Not only sound buildingand sound shaping components like
phase modulation andfrequency modulation,
phase distortion
and so on,
but also a wide spectrumof rhythmical blocks
are involved in the patch,
together with drones andsweeps and blibs
anda whole bunch of modulations, partly modulating not only the unitswhich build or shape the sound, but also modulating each other.

0:00:00 Introduction
0:01:03 Identify and Single Out EachComponent
0:02:59 The Handling of White Noise
0:03:21 A Network of Filters Part 1
0:15:11 A Network of Filters Part 2
0:24:00 The Ramp Generators
0:31:15 A Bit of Sequencing Noise
0:33:44 From Noise to Fractalization
0:36:25 PM, PD and Fractalization
0:38:28 BAZILLE and the DX 7
0:40:56 A Bit More of FM/PM
0:44:03 And Again: Fractalization
0:50:55 A Kind of a Kick
0:52:27 The Mapping Generators
0:57:26 The Inverter and the LAGGenerators
1:08:50 LFO Puzzle
1:13:45 PM/FM, BPM and the DAW
1:22:23 Last Components and AllTogether
1:32:50 Some Words at the End

Have a great day and a good time!