Sweeping Downlift Automation


New member
I've been trying to find tutorials on how to automate those white noise downlifters/uplifters to give it a sort of spinning effect and a "wish" sound. I am thinking it is just automation with LFOs and filter, but does anyone know of any tutorials, or have any insight on how to properly achieve this effect?
I just add an envelope to the frequency of a band pass filter inside the vst I'm using, so it sweeps through the frequencies, up or down depending on it being a rising or dropping sound, and give the white noise a lot of resonance to give it that more prominent "whishing sound". the vst i use is blue so i can just add an envelope with a linear rising or falling slope, assign it to frequency on a filter, choose how many bars the envelope is (usually 8), and woolah! also you can assign the envelope to the pitch of a sine wave playing alongside the white noise in another oscillator as well to give it some extra oomph