Request: Flume Supersaw in Collarbones Remix


New member
Hey Guys

How do I achieve remaking a heavy supersaw like the one hitting at 1:39?
I really can't get even close to the "heaviness" of his drop.

I know the same synth is used in Kultur's "Ephemere" song at 1:06

Thanks for your help
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I posted a similar thread but nobody could help out it was called "Future Super Saws". If it helps, I talked to Kultur on Twitter and he said In Ephemere and his Some Minds Remix, etc.... The "Drop" has 3 synths essentially all made in Massive. The super saws, a sub bass, and sometimes that high pitched lead (2:49). He said everything was just basic square saws with nothing but a low cut and multiband compression to make it sound bigger. That's all the synths. Along with some background vocals and high piano notes. Let me know if you figure anything out.
His synth is essentially just a super saw with a HPF cutting almost all low frequencies. Layer a few voices and make sure the spread isn't too wide otherwise you will get something reminiscent of trance synth. Also throw in an LFO on the pitch at around .2 of a semitone and make sure the vibrato is going somewhat fast. He also uses some pretty high threshold ratios in his side chain compression. hope this helped