question on power chords and switching guitar notes to piano notes


New member
I've been hearing how rock uses power chords. I googled that and came up with guitar diagrams that I don't know how to read since I don't know how to play guitar. Can anybody show me how to read guitar diagrams so I can play the notes on my piano? I'm trying to mimic a guitar on reason so I need to know this.

Thank you!
Well, "power chords" are just the root note and the fifth. So if you're trying to play this on a piano, try playing C2,G2,C3 for a "C power chord". If you're trying to read tab notation, there's loads of stuff on google.
oh... is that what is called? It looks like a guitar necks with circles and stuff on it. Sorry if I sound dumb, I don't know anything about guitar notation...

Thanks for explaining power chords to me!
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