Project BPM and Sample Length Choice...???


New member
Is it just me or does it seem like the length of your samples and the BPM you intend to start/work in, are directly related to each other...?

That is, when it comes to choosing one shot samples (mainly drum sounds/kits)...

To my seems like the faster the BPM I decide to work in, the shorter the length of the samples I tend to choose/pick and that sound the best to my ear.

Vice Versa...when I decide to work in a slower BPM, the longer the length (tail/reverb) of the samples I tend to choose/pick and that sound the best to my ear.

Does anyone out there notice or do this too...? Or is it just me...?

Has this always been known or is the norm for music production in general...?
Yeah, sounds like a fairly natural way of doing things. Of course now that you've recognized that you're doing it, maybe you can consciously turn things around and pick longer samples for faster beats or vice versa, and see where that takes you - break out of that box.
Yeah, sounds like a fairly natural way of doing things. Of course now that you've recognized that you're doing it, maybe you can consciously turn things around and pick longer samples for faster beats or vice versa, and see where that takes you - break out of that box.

Haha.. I don't know if you realise it.. but that's a great tip for just about anything in life!