*Painting A Picture* - Music In Your Head.

Every melody i write is a "classic" melody to me. i dont write it.. i find it, i hear it. and find it, its classic and i love it! the melody that is. i love the classic melody i heard and found and birthed into the world. its like i take something from another world and introduce it into this one for the first time. thats how it feels to me. thats my favorite feeling.
Just Replying

I done made music both ways: meaning i done just messed around and made sumptin' nice; had something in my head and just played it out; and i done also tried to play something that was on my mind and messed around and came up wit' another beat while i was trying to get the melody in my head down. But I definitely feel you all thru out the post. You made me realize that I truly just got blessed wit' musical talent. It just comes natural to me. I feel I can take any two sounds and make a beat or a melody. And not nuttin' wack either. Something that the majority gone feel.
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