Not sure what I should name this topic.


^How do I change ths name
This is kind of a question and kind of a rant, but it is theory related.

Anyways, lately I've seen a few topics where some guy has a question about music or theory or just needs advice about life and most of you guys give some good, in depth answers. But lately I've noticed that there's always that one guy who tries to answer a question and his responses are completely absurd. And even when everybody else tries to correct his responses (usually in a polite way), that person will continue to argue with everybody even when the topic involves actual facts. I know this is the internet so of course it's gonna happen, but I'm really curious about how you guys correct somebody like that or respond to them when they constantly try to argue with actual facts and think they're right.

And in case anybody wants to accuse me of bashing anybody in here, I'll be the first to say that I've been guilty of this a few times in the past as well.
you make the point as often as you can and then leave it be - folks reading should be able to get the point from reading the thread - if not then they are obviously not able to think for themselves yet
unfortunately most of the time bullshit spreads faster than wisdom
Arguing with them is just gonna make matters a lot more confusing for people who seek actual information.

In my opinion people who provide false information should have their posts removed. But that kinda touches their freedom of speech...
If I ran this site I would remove posts that are provably nonsense though, but I can understand why other people would choose not to.
I'm at the point where there is no sense in arguing. I take responsibility for my tone, and I am no expert when it comes to theory---I am still very much a student and don't mind being proven wrong if it means learning something. I envy BC's patience. I just don't have the energy to engage anymore-easier to just let 'em be wrong. Got plenty studying of my own to do before I can start going after others.
my patience often comes from writing an answer and then leaving it for a day before reviewing then posting it - you can tell when I'm not practicing that as I start to get engaged in niggly little fights