Need your opinions on song structure


New member
I know this has probably been posted a bunch of times but i figured I'd refresh the topic.

I wanted to know what your guy's opinion is on song arrangement, like how important you think it is and how you guys go about it. I'm starting to get the feeling that my verses are to long but then again i feel like 16 bars isnt enough either ? any tips opinions or anything else? thanks
there are rules, but rules are more guidelines and are meant to be broken. Seriously its sounds like shitty advice but go with that feels right to you. I've had builds that are super long, and some that are super short. Both were effective because it sounded right to me in that track.

I usually go for an intro build to semi drop to mid section to build to break down to build to crescendo to Mega Drop to mixdown to outro

Fux with it!
It depends on genres, personal taste and whether or not you want to intentionally mess with your listeners expectations or not as well. For me, though, song form is one of the main things that can elevate music to another level. Form is the overall layout of the emotional journey a song takes you on, so getting into it can give you that much more control and understanding over all of the other aspects of the music.